Heltec Cube Cell HTCC-AB01

Good afternoon. I just bought a Heltec Cube Cell HTCC-AB01, and I would like to know if it is possible to program it as a NODE to communicate with a DRAGINO gateway, using non-LORANWAN (TTN) libraries. I would like to be able to use generic Lora libraries. Would it be possible? Or on the contrary, this micro only accepts a library to connect to LoraWan (TTN)? Thank you very much!. A cordial greeting!

This is possible if the gateway supports it. Or write some gateway receiver programs yourself.

check out the examples below:

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Thank you very much for your reply Navi. The gateway I use is a Dragino LP-01 that supports OpenSource and any Arduino library can be included. I have the problem in the Heltec Cube Cell device which I am not able to program with any library that is not specific to LoraWan. I have populated several examples of LoraSender with some libraries from RadioHead, LowPowerLab, etc… and the Heltec Cube Cell does not accept the libraries. How could I do it? Does anyone have an idea?

I haven’t tried these libraries, but there should be some sending functions in lorapingpong!

Hi @santiagofragio
did you try the example code i share above?