HELP LoraWan_BMP180 example not sending to TTN

Hi Team,

I am trying to use the example of lorawan BMP180 and i can compile but I am getting the Temperature: 18.70 C, Pressure: 93365.00Pa, BatteryVoltage:4372
confirmed uplink sending … and obviously I can´t see anything on the TTN website. Any help please? I have the single channel gateway running but still i can´t see anything.

Please Help.




Do you add the decoder? you can refer this url:

Hi JasonXu, thanks for the quick reply. I am using a single channel gateway with a raspberry pi 3 and a dragino shield. On the TTN website it says connected but i can’t see any data coming in. I have a HTCC-AB02s with antenna which is connected to a sensor BMP180. Should i get a data even if i don’t have the payload function? I am not getting nothing.

If i look at the serial monitor, Temperature: 18.70 C, Pressure: 93365.00Pa, BatteryVoltage:4372
confirmed uplink sending … Does it mean is working as it should be? Should I not see something on the daa?

Thanks for your help.

Have a good day.

As your serial print log, I don’t think it’s a problem. Could you try the LoRaWan(don’t connect any sensor).

Hi JasonXu,

Thanks again for your reply. I will try today with that example. Yesterday, I managed to get something on the single channel gateway (Raspberry Pi + Dragino Shield) I had this:
Packet RSSI: -105, RSSI: -102, SNR: -13, Length: 17
rxpk update: {“rxpk”:[{“tmst”:2785710547,“chan”:0,“rfch”:0,“freq”:868.100000,“stat”:1,“modu”:“LORA”,“datr”:“SF7BW125”,“codr”:“4/5”,“lsnr”:-13,“rssi”:-105,“size”:17,“data”:“3VEeuCMLR/8rs8jvJ0TP5Sw=”}]}

I Think that’s what i mean to get but still on the TTN web nothing. Is that normal? even if i am missing the decoder function, i should get that packet on the web, isn’t it? I am still working on the payload as is the first time do you have any example with the BMP180 and lora?

Thanks again for your help.

Have a good day.

Could you show your TTN web config(APP config and gateway config)?

Hi JasonXu, at the end I decided to buy a the things network gateway indoor and finally I can see something on the TTN web. Now, I am using the one I want to do for my project but I have another problem , I am using a lps22 which gives me the pressure but on the ttn I have a hexadecimal value.

The code is the following:

if(Wire.available() == 3)
data[0] =;
data[1] =;
data[2] =;

// Convert pressure data
float pressure = ((data[2] * 65536) + (data[1] * 256) + data[0]) / 4096.0;

unsigned char *puc;
puc = (unsigned char *)(&pressure);
appDataSize = 3;
appData[0] = puc[0];
appData[1] = puc[1];
appData[2] = puc[2];

// Output data to serial monitor
Serial.print(“Pressure is : “);
Serial.println(” hPa”);


On the TTN payload I am getting A0EB3D which technically is 759,68hPa that’s what it showing on the serial monitor. Could you help me with that. I tried everything but I am really stuck.

Thanks for your help.


Hi all, I managed to get this working by having 4 bytes and decoding them back on the ttn payload. Everything seems to be working but more testing is need it.
