(HELP) ESP32 HTIT-WB32 Board (NO PORT FOUND) not connecting to Arduino or Drivers

Has anyone else purchased the ESP32 WIFI Kit Board with 8MB Flash and not been able to get the drivers to work with the board or even connect it to Arduino? I keep connecting the board and it receives power, but it says it found 2 connections. Ive tried configuring with all 3 main operating systems and ive followed the documentation guides to set it up, but I still have trouble.This is not the Lora board its the other ESP32 Heltec board at this link:

If anyone can help me troubleshoot this board so I can use it let me know. I’m almost tempted to selling it and changing the board to the Lora board or another board but I don’t feel like I should have to. Please help i’m so frustrated with the lack of support and how the support is merged with the Lora configuration.

You can touch the PRG button then get power with your board (bootloader mode to get power).

This vid helped me but I’m still having issues lol

Is this board the same as the esp32 WiFi kit?

I’m trying to learn how to use it to program LED’s, and I ordered straight from the link Dave posted in his Fire Led video but I’m thinking I received the wrong board


Also found this that may be of some help