Footprint and schema files for Kicad

The archive seems to contain the footprint and schema of the CubeCell module.

I do not use Altium Designer but Kicad (I am sure others do as well). Would it be possible to provide the footprint and schema files that could be imported in Kicad? Maybe save in a format that could be imported like PCAD ASCII/Eagle XML Schematic?

Or is there a place where such CubeCell Kicad-files can be downloaded (I did not find them on SnapEDA)?

Hi I had to in the end do my own as could not find any. I have only dot the parts a day ago and need to check .pretty. I can send later file that I did for kicad Simon

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@Sivaelid - that would be kind! It would of course be very much welcome if Heltec would provide footprints and symbols for their products in a format that can be used by non-commercial products as well. Just a note: I tried but the result was not usable for me.

@Sivaelid any news? Even better if Heltec could provide symbol and footprint.

Hi i have exported them to my Git hub, I hope they are ok for you, let me know as dont normally export items. Simon

Great! Thanks a lot @Sivaelid !
Heltec, do you hear me :slight_smile: ? Would be great to have that for all your modules! A good place would be

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