example of node to node connection for heltec wifi lora V3

Hi everyone!!

I would like someone to guide me in being able to make a simple example of a node-to-node connection with unique address recognition on the heltec wifi lora 32 V3.

I understand the examples for the transmission but I can’t understand how to put an address to each node so that a receiver (addresses) only receives the sender

In the past I used the examples for V2 but I used the heltec.h library. Now I don’t know how to do this with the lorawan_app.h library that the examples bring

thanks for the help in advance

The Examples > Heltec-Example > LoRaBasic > LoRaReceiver/Sender example sketches illustrate how to use the LoRaWan_APP library.

As far as addressing goes, it should be understood that radio transmissions are broadcasts—any Node with an appropriate configuration can receive any broadcast. You may be able to achieve some level of selectivity by ‘tuning’ your sender and receiver with a particular set of parameters, but any other Node configured with the same set of parameters will be able to receive the transmission.

If you want to direct transmissions to a specific Node, you need some higher level protocol, like LoRaWAN or some packet structure within your data stream that includes some form of addressing. This will not stop anyone from receiving the transmissions, but you can use this information to decide whether or not a Node under your control should take notice of the transmission.

One such example of Node-to-Node LoRa communications is described here. This may not ultimately be the direction you wish to take, but it may help you make some decisions in relation to how you might like to proceed.