ESP32 V2 OTAA Joining Continuously [Chirpstack]

Hello! I finally got my Heltec V2 to connect to my gateway on ChirpStack as seen below:

The problem is that it continually rejoins.

I also have this problem where in my serial monitor - I get: DIO1:RX Timeout
LoRaWAN US915_HYBRID Class A start!

TX on freq 903000000 Hz at DR 4
DIO0:TX Done
RX on freq 923300000 Hz at DR 13
DIO1:RX Timeout
RX on freq 923300000 Hz at DR 8
DIO1:RX Timeout
TX on freq 903100000 Hz at DR 0
DIO0:TX Done
RX on freq 925700000 Hz at DR 10
DIO1:RX Timeout
RX on freq 923300000 Hz at DR 8
DIO1:RX Timeout
join failed, rejoin at 30000 ms later
Deep Sleep until Next TxPacket:30000 ms

Is it because I was using the default LoRaWAN file -> OTAA_OLED.ino? (I remember however it would say Sending… when it is reconnectedd)

All help is appreciated! Cheers


I have tested your describ. It works well.

I think the problem lies in the configuration of the gateway. please refer this url(gateway json file):

I tried the following two JSON files, one can be used, the other is not working properly.

Maybe you can look for problems in my way. And Check whether the connection between gateway and server is normal.

The gateway I use is: HT-M01 made by heltec.
node: wifi lora 32 v2

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