ESP32_LoRaWAN.h - Set max power


I did some tests using the same node (heltec stick lite) one using LoRa, the other one using LoRaWAN, I had best result using LoRa.

I was using a GPS connect to the module to get the coordinates and analyse my RSSI.

The first point is with LoRa I was able to use SF = 11 , in LoRaWAN for US915 I realize that the maximum SF is 10. The second point, how can I know if the power is setting to the max using LoRaWAN? Using LoRa was easy, just a direct function. As LoRaWAN has adr I guess is more complicated, I want to put the max as default. Loking the docs, the RegionUS915.h I found this:


  • Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node
    #define US915_MIN_TX_POWER TX_POWER_10


  • Maximal Tx output power that can be used by the node
    #define US915_MAX_TX_POWER TX_POWER_0


  • Default Tx output power used by the node

TX_POWER_0 is the max I guess. Because I found this on Region.h:


  • Region | dBM
  • ------------ | :-----:
  • AS923 | Max EIRP
  • AU915 | Max EIRP
  • AU915_SB2 | Max EIRP
  • CN470 | Max EIRP
  • CN779 | Max EIRP
  • EU433 | Max EIRP
  • EU868 | Max EIRP
  • IN865 | Max EIRP
  • KR920 | Max EIRP
  • US915 | Max ERP
  • US915_HYBRID | Max ERP
    #define TX_POWER_0 0

Do I need to do anything else in order to be sure that I’m using the max power?

In our example code, the default power is the maximum value(TX_POWER_0 ), the ADR will calculates the most suitable power.So you don’t need to do anything else.

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