Error with DS13070 RTC library

good evening, does anyone know of any library that works on cubecell board with a ds1307 RTC? i have tried several and i get this error when i try to compile:

:\Users\USER\Documents\Arduino\libraries\RTClib-master\RTClib.cpp: In member function ‘char* DateTime::toString(char*)’:

C:\Users\USER\Documents\Arduino\libraries\RTClib-master\RTClib.cpp:467:32: error: ‘nullptr’ was not declared in this scope

   (strstr(buffer, "ap") != nullptr) || (strstr(buffer, "AP") != nullptr);

the simple code is this:

#include “RTClib.h”

void setup () {


void loop () {


i use this library

Buenos días,
me ocurre lo mismo y no encuentro la solución, usando la librería RTClib siguen apareciendo estos errores:
: \ Users \ USER \ Documents \ Arduino \ libraries \ RTClib-master \ RTClib.cpp: En la función miembro ‘char * DateTime :: toString (char *)’:

C: \ Users \ USER \ Documents \ Arduino \ libraries \ RTClib-master \ RTClib.cpp: 467: 32: error: ‘nullptr’ no se declaró en este ámbito.

Si alguien ha encontrado la solución, se lo agradecería.