Error compiling for board CubeCell-Board AB-01

I have followed closely all the instructions on the Heltec site regarding the installation of the development environment for the CubeCell board but I’m getting a massive amount of errors trying to compile in Arduino 1.8.13.

There are multiple entries like the following,

C:\Users\ben.roberts\Documents\Arduino\libraries\LoRa\src\LoRaWan.cpp:5624:219: error: stray '#' in program <td id="LC1003" class="blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"> <span class="pl-k">if</span> (c == <span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">&#39;</span><span class="pl-cce">\n</span><span class="pl-pds">&#39;</span></span>)</td>

I’m trying to compile the “Cayenne_LPP” example sketch here

Can anybody give me a lead on this?


There may be conflicts between the libraries of different companies. You can try to move the libraries of other companies to other places first.

Thanks Quency, I’ll give that a try.