Endpoint not connecting to the gateway

I am working with three devices:

SX1302 LoRaWAN Gateway: Waveshare SX1302 868M LoRaWAN Gateway (https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/SX1302_868M_LoRaWAN_Gateway).
Raspberry Pi 5: The SX1302 HAT is connected to this device.
Heltech Wi-Fi LoRa 32 (V3): Heltec Wi-Fi LoRa 32 V3](https://heltec.org/project/wifi-lora-32-v3/#DocsResource) serves as the endpoint device.
I successfully created a LoRaWAN gateway on The Things Network (TTN) website ([TTN Console - EU Server]). The gateway setup was completed without any issues.

To align with the Indian ISM band (865-867 MHz), I configured the SX1302 packet forwarder with the appropriate frequency settings. However, the Heltec Wi-Fi LoRa 32 endpoint device is not connecting to the network created by the gateway.

How to connect all these device so that Heltec Wi-Fi Lora 32 can access the network created by the gateway ?

Can Heltech node connect to lorawan of Waveshare or not?
Or Waveshare lorawan is compatible with Heltech node or not?

There is an open question on the TTN forum waiting for your answer - did you ignore it by accident?