I am working with three devices:
SX1302 LoRaWAN Gateway: Waveshare SX1302 868M LoRaWAN Gateway (https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/SX1302_868M_LoRaWAN_Gateway).
Raspberry Pi 5: The SX1302 HAT is connected to this device.
Heltech Wi-Fi LoRa 32 (V3): Heltec Wi-Fi LoRa 32 V3](https://heltec.org/project/wifi-lora-32-v3/#DocsResource) serves as the endpoint device.
I successfully created a LoRaWAN gateway on The Things Network (TTN) website ([TTN Console - EU Server]). The gateway setup was completed without any issues.
To align with the Indian ISM band (865-867 MHz), I configured the SX1302 packet forwarder with the appropriate frequency settings. However, the Heltec Wi-Fi LoRa 32 endpoint device is not connecting to the network created by the gateway.
How to connect all these device so that Heltec Wi-Fi Lora 32 can access the network created by the gateway ?
Can Heltech node connect to lorawan of Waveshare or not?
Or Waveshare lorawan is compatible with Heltech node or not?