E-ink 1.54 library and HSPI

Hi all!
We chose a good screen that we needed for a long time and settled on E-ink 1.54 https://heltec.org/project/154-e-ink/

The board was created (main controller ESP32-wroom) and we started the code. We figured out the library, but do not fully understand how it can work.
We’re having a problem connecting to the SPI.
The fact is that we have the following connection for our esp32 board (it has 2 SPI - VSPI and HSPI):
The screen is connected to the pins:
e-ink HSPI
bysy - 27
another sensor module VSPI
ss - 5
sck - 18
mosi - 23
miso - 19
busy - 17

When I use the eink library I get problems because the library uses the call to SPI.**
which by default uses pins VSPI.

But my physical connection is different. Please tell me how can I be? Is it possible to use another library?

You can trace the ink screen source code and modify the SPI used.

How is it possible to do this? Do you have rights?

You can modify c file in local.