Does WiFi LoRa 32 work on other severs apart from TTN, Chirpastack and Heltec Server?

Good morning,
I’m an electronic engineer working for an spanish IoT companny. We are taking a look to the WiFi LoRa 32 (V2) in order to buy them on a big scale.

We are wondering if this device could work as a LoRa node in others servers apart from TTN, Chirpstack or Heltec server.

The direct question will be. Does the library you provide work with OTAA with credentials (device EUI, app key…) from another host/server? Does the code need changes apart from these parameters to work with other servers?
Thanks in advance


Does the library you provide work with OTAA with credentials (device EUI, app key…) from another host/server? Does the code need changes apart from these parameters to work with other servers?

Our esp32 LoRa node supports standard LORAWAN protocol. The library we provide is also the standard LORAWAN protocol. Under normal circumstances, it can be used directly without modification(but you can also need modify the device EUI, app key…).

If you have any questions, please contact with us.