I’m a newbie to Arduino and LoRaWan. I’ve got this module and I’m trying to connect to TTN. It doesn’t work with all parameters set.
Every thread in this forum has got a gateway, so my question is: Do I need a LoRaWan gateway for the HTCC-AB01 module?
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask.
Do I need a gateway
Hi @shadowlp174, if you want to connect to TTN you need a LoRaWAN compatible gateway. https://www.thethingsindustries.com/docs/gateways/adding-gateways/
Or perhaps there is already a TTN ‘community’ gateway in your neighbourhood that you can reach.
(If you want to do just point-to-point LoRa, you only need a 2nd HTCC-AB01 module.)
Thx for the reply… There is a gateway in my neighbourhoud (not even 3km) so that means, that I don’t need any hardware but did somehing wrong with the program?