what are the limit values for electricity current for digital HIGH and digital LOW for the CubeCell Board.
I couln’t find any information in the datasheet for the ASR6501.
what are the limit values for electricity current for digital HIGH and digital LOW for the CubeCell Board.
I couln’t find any information in the datasheet for the ASR6501.
ASR6501/2 is a PSoC 4100 core: http://resource.heltec.cn/download/CubeCell/PSOC_4_PSOC_4100_FAMILY_DATASHEET_PROGRAMMABLE_SYSTEM-ON-CHIP.pdf
I think the max output current is 4mA
Thank You!
Have you a link to the software that shows that info supporter, it looks interesting ?
I’m wondering if that 4mA and 8mA refers to just the SPI pins and maybe the gpio pins are able to sink / source more. ernst, you may be able to combine multiple pins to increase those figures if you stay within the port limit (with other micros they have a port limit where a number of pins share the same port).
cheers, didn’t go through all 43 pages :-), looked a bit closer and saw on page 18 that GPIO says 25mA, which is more what I expected, again I’d expect you can use multiple pins as long as you don’t exceed the port limit.
SID4 IGPIO_ABS Maximum current per GPIO –25 – 25mA Absolute max
Thats a good hint!
Thank you
Here is the software download address: