Did i killed my WiFi LoRa 32 (V3)?

Hi Experts

After learning by doing i’ve some issues with my WiFi LoRa 32 (V3)

Arduino IDE is 2.0.3 / esptools is 4.4

libs are:

After first issues i completely removed my first arduino ide instalation // so all is new and fresh.

But Board doesn’t work anymore. No Display, no function after uploading Factory Tests for v3.

Serial just shows the following output in loop:
Build:Mar 27 2021
rst:0x7 (TG0WDT_SYS_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
Saved PC:0x400454d5
mode:QIO, clock div:2
ets_loader.c 78

Download a print only program to see if it can print.

now i just tried Board Manager -> ESP32S3 Dev Module -> Examples -> WiFi -> WiFiscan.

Serial Monitor print all Networks in Range.

Ok, so Board is not broken and it seems i just don’t know what i’m doing.

Long Story short:

I had some wifi lora 32 v2 before and used them just to transmit some short messages on 433.
Got the messages on Display and also on Serial.
That was working well.
But with wifi lora 32 v3 i run in to problems.
I just tryed some examples, modified them an then the board seems to run in to problems.

if someone has some inputs to let that board working same as my V2, just tell me.

Ditto. I wish one of the bright folks out there would make V2 sketches work with V3… It is frustrating!!

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Yeah, agreed, but to be fair, it’s a different MCU (ESP32-S3) and a different LoRa Node chip (SX1262). It might have been kinder to us all if they’d given the new board a different name (WiFi LoRa S3?) to make the implications of these rather significant changes a little more obvious from the outset…

The effort involved in migrating my code from the V2 to V3 platforms has been much the same as it was migrating from the ESP32 to the completely different [CubeCell] ASR6501 platform.

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I tried Meshthastic on my two Heltec V3, used the Web-Flasher, installed latest beta, not alpha and now i have at least something useful on my v3.

i have just reported the same issue.