Deepsleep esp32 Lora V3


The context:
I build IoT based on HELTEC LORA V3 cards.
The goal is to make objects capable of monitoring the evolution of cracks in the construction world.
I have already assembled a first prototype that transfers its data via LoraWan and it works well.
I have an indoor TTN gateway at home.:slightly_smiling_face:

Depending on the installation location and in the case where no gateway is accessible, I opted for NB-IoT communication.
For this, I use (well I will …:thinking:) a central unit that will collect data from one or more sensors.
The communication between the sensors (IoT object) is carried out via LoRA.
The central unit will query each sensor every 4 hours. To do this, it must wake the different Heltec cards from deep sleep, retrieve the data, send them via NB-IOT and finally return to sleep.

The problem:
I tested the ping-pong sketch after adapting the central unit code. No problem. It works.
When the Heltec card is in deep sleep, I would like to wake it up with a Lora frame sent by the central unit.
I can’t wake up the card!
Unless I’m mistaken GPIO14 is wired to the DIO1 PIN of the SX1262.
So I tried this before the command esp_deep_sleep_start();

pinMode(GPIO_NUM_14, INPUT);

esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO_NUM_14, HIGH);

The question is: Is it possible to wake up the card with a Lora frame? If so, what am I doing wrong?

I found it. Since the esp32 was in DEEP_SLEEP mode, I wasn’t using the RTC an so

rtc_gpio_set_direction(GPIO_NUM_14, RTC_GPIO_MODE_INPUT_ONLY) :roll_eyes:

I am new to ESP32 ! :thinking: