I want to build a LoRaWAN node using Bosch BME680 as a sensor for measuring air quality.
Bosch BSEC library supports Cortex-M0 (Cortex-ARM, compiler GCC, supports Cortex-M0, M0+, M3, M4, M4_FPU, M7) but I get compiler errors. From my point of view inside the PSOC is a Cortex-M0.
What can I do to compile w/o errors?
CubeCell w/ BME680
Hi CKühnel,
I suggest to follow this guide:
It is better than the original guide from bosch. However, I only succeeded with the ESP32 V2, because the CubeCell has only 128KByte of flash, which is vastly underequipped for my applications. If you get the bsec lib with the lorawan app to work on CubeCell, drop me a note.
If you plan to use deepSleep, I may also add, that the bsec lib requires some KBytes of NV-Ram to store its (not it’s) calibration parameters, which are refined as the lib runs. The RTC-Ram of ESP32 is perfectly suited for this.
As for CubeCell, you could use the last 2 rows of flash; however, flash may break if used too heavily. My choice for this has always been battery buffered SRAM, which, according to (https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32_technical_reference_manual_en.pdf, chapter is exactly what ESP uses for RTC-Ram.
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