CubeCell V2 on ABP mode

I have an CubeCell V2 on ABP mode. The device is connected on The Things Network.

The problem is that my device is sending stuff every 1 minute but on TTN it rearely appear the information. I think it loses the information while sending or something like that. Somtimes I recive the information but mostly I don’t.

My question is what I have to configure in order to use the CubeCell as ABP node. I’m using the visual studio code with the following parameters:

—The platformio.ini is:

platform = heltec-cubecell
board = cubecell_board_v2
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_filters = send_on_enter
monitor_flags =
board_build.arduino.lorawan.region = EU868
board_build.arduino.lorawan.class = CLASS_A
board_build.arduino.lorawan.netmode = ABP
board_build.arduino.lorawan.adr = ON
board_build.arduino.lorawan.uplinkmode = CONFIRMED
board_build.arduino.lorawan.net_reserve = OFF
board_build.arduino.lorawan.at_support = OFF
board_build.arduino.lorawan.rgb = DEACTIVE
board_build.arduino.lorawan.debug_level = NONE


I am not sure TTN is allowing ABP anymore. I prefers OTAA.
Also the 1min of transimssion delay may exceed the fair use of the band.

Hellow NicoDy,
I can registrate the CubeCell as ABP on TTN so it is possible to connect an ABP device. Like I said, somtimes I receive the information from the device, so it works! I have several devices that are sending at 1 min delay and there’s no problem because I only send a few bytes.
Anyway I will change the sending time to ensure the problem does not come from it!