cubecell_SH1107Wire.h: No such file or directory

Hi sorry I am really new to this Lora and cubecell things,

So i tried to install cube cell in my arduino IDE by arduino board manager,
Then i want to try to compile factory test to my HTCC-AB02 which include
#include “cubecell_SH1107Wire.h”

and its getting error saying there is no such file directory,
exit status 1
cubecell_SH1107Wire.h: No such file or directory

Do you mind to guide me what to do ? Should I add a library or other way?


Have you ever tried the common example of Lora? Will it report this error?

I’m not sure which one of us might be using the older/newer software, but my version is looking for (and finds) “HT_SH1107Wire.h”, which, on my Mac, is located at Arduino/hardware/CubeCell/CubeCell/libraries/DISPLAY/src

I’m not sure why there are two “CubeCell” directories in that path (maybe an artefact of something silly I did at some point), but there are.

Maybe check if you got your [CubeCell] software via the Board Manager or direct from GitHub—the latter, I think, is still recommended for the most up-to-date software, although the date on my files is 12 May 2021 (so maybe I’m the one that’s out-of-date but, for what it’s worth, I just successfully compiled, uploaded and ran that script).

If you are not sure where you have changed, you can try to delete all the old environments and reinstall them.