First it is possible to do the programming by AT-commands, but to save more power, it is advantageous to disable AT-commands.
So you must change the TTN-OTTA-Information in the commissioning.h file.
Is there a solution like this, in the program, possible?
static const u1_t PROGMEM APPEUI[8]={ 0xA2, 0xCB, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x7E, 0xD5, 0xB3, 0x70 };
void os_getArtEui (u1_t* buf) { memcpy_P(buf, APPEUI, 8);}
static const u1_t PROGMEM DEVEUI[8]={ 0x6C, 0x11, 0x11, 0xDA, 0xFD, 0xBD, 0x99, 0x00 };
void os_getDevEui (u1_t* buf) { memcpy_P(buf, DEVEUI, 8);}
static const u1_t PROGMEM APPKEY[16] = { 0xAE, 0xAF, 0x7A, 0x3B, 0xB4, 0x35, 0xC5, 0x89, 0xF7, 0x8A, 0x30, 0x13, 0xC4, 0x00, 0xAB, 0xCB };
void os_getDevKey (u1_t* buf) { memcpy_P(buf, APPKEY, 16);}