HI all and Especially Heltec staff. There is a pin error either on diagrams for the CubeCell AM02 Module or circuit diagram. The Pin out diagram for HTCC_AM02 shows pins 2 -50 and 2 unmarked pins. This can not be correct for the stamp module . Can you please correct and give them the correct names. In addition I I look at the Recommended hardware design pin 1-35 which seems correct.
I do note that the confusion seem sto be due to the pin out for the ASR6502 which has pin one as VDD_IN and ADC_IN1 as pin 2 .
And again I would be great if Heltec could publish a library for AMO2 and AM01 giving the full mechanical dimensions of the modules and the .sch and .pretty for use with KiCad EAGLE etc.