CubeCell Module AM02 size and dimensions for KICAD

HI Heltec
Can we have the dimensions of the module and pin spacing as there is no KICAD library. It will needs to be produced or if possible converted from the .SchLib and .PcbLib files given in the CubeCell doc’s. As I don’t have a converter for these file types. The soft ware you use (altium ) does have the ability to export .sch and .pretty files, if possible can we have these

Thanks in advance


CAD files are here.

You can import them into a CAD package to take board measurements, pin pitches, etc.

That’s what I used to make these for EasyEDA.

may I jump to this bandwagon as well? Using Altium to export footprints to anything else is really king of PITA and I would really appretiate a simple PDF file. CAD files Mr. JBradders mentions are of no use as they contain HTCC-AM01 Module only,
So, if somebody would be kind enought to post HTCC-AM02 Module Plus footprint, I would be grateful?