CubeCell mechanical drawings


I’m trying to design PCB hosting CubeCell module. I’ve tried to search on Heltec site and on the internet and I couldn’t find any mechanical specifications of the module.
The only thing I’ve found are some Altium files which I cannot open since I don’t have this software.

Could you please release technical drawing of CubeCell module with all dimensions so I can desing footprint for it? Thanks.

perhabs this helps, just added measurments to my little library object:

The Aliexpress seller I bought the Cubecell has this specifications, but I’m not sure if the source is Heltec or they do the measurements.

that is for the board (space between headers 20mm)

@mlower do you mean the module or board?

I mean module. The measurements you’ve posted are very helpful. Still I’d prefer official datasheet with mechanical drawings.

Is this what you’re after? …has CAD drawings for the bare module and the dev board.