Hi there,
Thank you very much for your replies.
Regarding the one from @jwyatt
I have used the cubecells in class C mode using chirpstack as the lorawan stack with my own private gateways. The devices are set to class c in chirpstack and they have no issues sending periodic data, and receiving commands/data whenever sent (as long as they don’t happen simultaneously with a timed uplink)
Well, that is not the approach I am looking for, I have the intention to receive data at any time, not only by either using the piggybacking technique (class A) or within any reception windows (which I think is more a class B than C). This flow-chart is highly important since it is an alarm that has to be received in order to indicate a person that has to leave the place due to a dangerous situation.
I believe that the device I have to place to each person is one similar to a gateway… which obviously, is not feasible under any circumstances for many reasons.
Regarding the one from @dstacer
The basic sender/receiver might be what you are looking for.
Not LoRaWan C but LoRa always on type transfer.
Yes, that was initially my plan B (LoRa radio/P2P), and the one more likely to be developed when the time comes.
Again, thank you for your answers, looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards.