Cubecell in lowpower

i used a battery of 3,7 with my cubecell but in lowpower the curent give me 4mA
is that right?

show how you have it connected? and which cubecell you are talking about?

i have the cubecell HTCC AB01

it might be a short in your connection or your code is leaving pin floating…
mine is connected to a lithium battery that is charged to 4.1v and it draws about 35ua …

btw show your code… it might be your code as well…

#include “Arduino.h”
#include “LoRaWan_APP.h”
#include “Arduino.h”


  • set LoraWan_RGB to 1,the RGB active in loraWan
  • RGB red means sending;
  • RGB green means received done;
    #ifndef LoraWan_RGB
    #define LoraWan_RGB 0

#define RF_FREQUENCY 915000000 // Hz

#define TX_OUTPUT_POWER 14 // dBm

#define LORA_BANDWIDTH 0 // [0: 125 kHz,
// 1: 250 kHz,
// 2: 500 kHz,
// 3: Reserved]
#define LORA_CODINGRATE 1 // [1: 4/5,
// 2: 4/6,
// 3: 4/7,
// 4: 4/8]
#define LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 8 // Same for Tx and Rx
#define LORA_SYMBOL_TIMEOUT 0 // Symbols
#define LORA_IQ_INVERSION_ON false

#define RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE 1000
#define BUFFER_SIZE 30 // Define the payload size here

char txpacket[BUFFER_SIZE];
char rxpacket[BUFFER_SIZE];

static RadioEvents_t RadioEvents;

double txNumber;

int16_t rssi,rxSize;
void DoubleToString( char *str, double double_num,unsigned int len);

#define timetillsleep 1000
#define timetillwakeup 9000
static TimerEvent_t sleep;
static TimerEvent_t wakeUp;
uint8_t lowpower=1;

void onSleep()
Serial.printf(“Going into lowpower mode, %d ms later wake up.\r\n”,timetillwakeup);
//timetillwakeup ms later wake up;
TimerSetValue( &wakeUp, timetillwakeup );
TimerStart( &wakeUp );
void onWakeUp()
Serial.printf(“Woke up, %d ms later into lowpower mode.\r\n”,timetillsleep);
//timetillsleep ms later into lowpower mode;
TimerSetValue( &sleep, timetillsleep );
TimerStart( &sleep );

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

pinMode(GPIO6 , OUTPUT); 
Radio.Init( &RadioEvents );
Radio.SetChannel( RF_FREQUENCY );
                               LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR, LORA_CODINGRATE,
                               LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH, LORA_FIX_LENGTH_PAYLOAD_ON,
                               true, 0, 0, LORA_IQ_INVERSION_ON, 3000 ); 

Radio.Sleep( );
TimerInit( &sleep, onSleep );
TimerInit( &wakeUp, onWakeUp );

void loop() {

txNumber += 0.01;
sprintf(txpacket,"%s",“Hello world number”); //start a package
// sprintf(txpacket+strlen(txpacket),"%d",txNumber); //add to the end of package

DoubleToString(txpacket,txNumber,3); //add to the end of package

turnOnRGB(COLOR_SEND,0); //change rgb color

Serial.printf("\r\nsending packet “%s” , length %d\r\n",txpacket, strlen(txpacket));

Radio.Send( (uint8_t *)txpacket, strlen(txpacket) ); //send the package out


  • @brief Double To String
  • @param str: Array or pointer for storing strings
  • @param double_num: Number to be converted
  • @param len: Fractional length to keep
  • @retval None
    void DoubleToString( char *str, double double_num,unsigned int len) {
    double fractpart, intpart;
    fractpart = modf(double_num, &intpart);
    fractpart = fractpart * (pow(10,len));
    sprintf(str + strlen(str),"%d", (int)(intpart)); //Integer part
    sprintf(str + strlen(str), “.%d”, (int)(fractpart)); //Decimal part
    // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

Avoid serial communication.

looks like your code sleeps only for few seconds at best… i would recommend reworking your code…

you can also try the lowpower mode by itself and set it to a long period and test.

use a PPKII or a multimeter to measure current while a sleep…
you can also (For testing purposes) use a print statement in the loop to check if the MCU sleeps at all…
it should not print when the lowpower mode is invoked. if it prints then your lowpower mode isn’t working…


I have tried print statements to test for sleep.But doing a print while doing lowpower mode , will cause lowpower mode not to complete. I would be interested in knowing how you code this, as I don’t have a meter to test current. And i don’t seem to get more than a few hours battery life when I am awake for 1 minute. transmit twice * 18bytes and sleep for 20 minutes, on a Heltec Solar cubcell .

I use this method to test lowpower has happend. This only works if you are not using the WDT while sleeping : As the watch dog timer will wake every 2 seconds. Loop and increment the TestCounter

       case LOWPOWER:

      if (TestCounter>5){
      turnOnRGB(0x000050,0);// blue flash