Hello friends, it is possible to make a star type multipoint network with this board only in lora (not in LoRawan) and how to program in the end nodes so that only the selected nodes communicate with the receiver, perhaps with an address (id).
Review the examples provided and there is only p2p communication between a transmitter and a receiver. I would be grateful if someone could help me
Cubecell HTCC-AB01 Lora multipoint
To make this work you would need to roll your own MAC layer - this is quite easy if you don’t care about power usage, and much more difficult if you do. Yes you’ll need to assign addresses and if you want a genuine star topology, one node will have to be the centre and control the others or at least be the common “receiver”.
While it’s possible, it’s much much easier to use lorawan and a public network (or your own gateway and something like chirpstack) to achieve reliable comms.
is it really possible?
how to do this? I need to send/receive lora data and know which exactly device send this data.
Yes, of course this is possible. As for the how, as stated above, you need to write your own media access controll protocol.
If your programming skills are not up to this task, then it’s much easier to buy a lorawan gateway and just use lorawan rather than try to write all the low level protocols yourself.