CubeCell GPS 6502 "Joinng"

Hello, I need help,… I am trying to connect a Heltec CubeCell GPS 6502, version 1.1 to LoRa Wan, using the example without changes “LoRaWan_OnBoardGPS:Air530Z” the board was able to connect but then it failed to decode the message in uplink data, the board did not reconnected and I know trying to “JOINNIG”

the board configuration is as follows.

LORAWAN_Net_Reservation: “ON”
LoRaWan Debug Level: “Ninguno”

All suggestions are welcome, thank you very much…

You can refer to this decoding example,

NAVI, thank you very much, add the decode_payload.html but the CubeCell GPS 6502, version 1.1 to LoRa Wan cannot connect with TTN, the board stays in “JOINNG”, could you suggest me some TTN Mapper example, which allows me to test of plaque and its coverage

NAVI, thank you very much, add the decode_payload.html but the CubeCell GPS 6502, version 1.1 to LoRa Wan cannot connect with TTN, the board stays in “JOINNG”, could you suggest me some TTN Mapper example, which allows me to test of plaque and its coverage

Check whether the information on the node and the TTN server corresponds to each other.

Thank you very much NAVI, the TTN parameters are fine with the code in the CubeCell GPS AB02S, I have configured the Device in the TTN console, like:
Cubecell-gps-class-c-otaa and also Cubecell-gps-class-a-otaa
When I give reset to the board, it connects only once, there is only “JOINNG”
Forward Bonding Acceptance Massage
Accept admission request

I have tried two payload formatter decoders

function Decoder(bytes, port) {
var decoded = {};
// Location reports are sent on appPort = 2
if (port === 2) {
decoded.latitude = ((bytes[0]<<16)>>>0) + ((bytes[1]<<8)>>>0) + bytes[2];
decoded.latitude = (decoded.latitude / 16777215.0 * 180) - 90;
decoded.longitude = ((bytes[3]<<16)>>>0) + ((bytes[4]<<8)>>>0) + bytes[5];
decoded.longitude = (decoded.longitude / 16777215.0 * 360) - 180;
var altValue = ((bytes[6]<<8)>>>0) + bytes[7];
var sign = bytes[6] & (1 << 7);
decoded.altitude = 0xFFFF0000 | altValue;
decoded.altitude = altValue;
decoded.hdop = bytes[8] / 10.0;
decoded.satellites = bytes[9] & 0x7F;
if(bytes[9] & (1 << 7))
decoded.poi = true;
decoded.heading = -1;

Can you see the access request information on the gateway?

If you’re trying to connect to TTN v3 us915 change the variable
uint16_t userChannelsMask[6]={ 0x00FF,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000 };
uint16_t userChannelsMask[6]={ 0xFF00,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000 };
TTN is using the second 8 channels in the US.

Gnsbglora, thank you very much, change the variable, uint16_t userChannelsMask[6]… the GPS connected fine…. However, now it has a hard time connecting the signal with the satellites, another adjustment of the variables in the code will be necessary…

Give it time and you need a clear sky view. The first GPS fix takes more than 30 seconds, so usually 2 to 3 iterations. Also, version 1.4.0 of the CubeCell developement software seems to have a bug in the GPS chip connection. At least mine is getting stuck after 5 cycles. With version 1.1.0 it’s still working. Let’s hope Heltec is fixing the issue soon!

Well in the end my Cubecell AB02S GPS has failed, I tried different codes, connecting to my LoRaWan gateway will not be fixed, I managed to register some successful coordinates, later the GPS module could not find the satellites anymore, in the end it will not be fixed connecting to my LoRaWan gateway Apparently he died slowly… I am very frustrated, now I have doubts that this board is a good option, I would appreciate your help, I need it to register the coverage of my Gateway:cry::cry:

My AB02S has to be close to a window to get a GPS fix. You could also try a better GPS antenna.

I am looking for an external antenna to improve GPS reception, what surprises me a lot is that at the beginning it was able to connect well and then I could never find the satellites again…

You could try something like this:

Thank you very much, I’m going to buy this antenna…:+1: