Hi I Have a number of CubeCell capsules. I have found that I have a couple that are now taking about 5ma when sleeping when in different capsules same sketch they take a few micro amps. Have removed both RF / MCU board and sensor and still 5 ma current from battery directly connected to interface board and not via usb debug board. Anyone have the circuit of the power supply interface board to trouble shoot this .? A common fault for others? Thanks Simon
CubeCell excessive static current consumption
hi, your meaning is : the capsule’s sleeping power is not normal(5mA)? And just connected with battery also are 5ma?
could you provide some photo with your test? Let’s solve this problem together.
Hi the board normally has a sleep current of about 6 to 10 micro amps. And now has a sleep current of 5 milliamperes regard less of program . I have swamp the rf / micro Board and still the same. The rf/ micro board work in another capsule interface board. So the fault is in the interface board.I need circuit diagram to properly find fault.My concern is this a common problem as I have 2 unit now like it. For information the charge circuit(lth7r) work correctly charging so fault must be in the supply take of / regulator/ combining of supply circuit.