Cubecell Dev USB Power Problem

I have had a cubecell working here the last week with no issues.
Only thing that changes is the connecting the USB to charge the LiPo from time to time and tweaking the program.

At the moment its running fine on battery power but I just connected the USB and its not firing up at all. Checked the 5V line and there is no power getting to it from the USB either.

Checked the USB on another device and its working fine so its not that.

I am wondering if there was some inrush surge that took out the 5v side or even the USB chip. Any suggestions as to what to check?

I know it might sound dumpbuthave you checked that the mcu pcb is plugged in right and your lipo leads are soldered right and not become loose?

The only way i know the 5v will give a short circuit is plugging theusb board the wrong way in

Yea, checked all that to make sure that was not an issue. and its a brand new USB cable and will not fit upside down :slight_smile:

now get this… no changes. unpluged and pluged back in the USB (for the 60th time) and it fired up. totally weird. re-connection 50 i even checked to make sure that there was no dust in the USB port.

CHecked that the PC had not dissabled the power and checked the battery connection.

Oh I know!!! its Monday :slight_smile: even I have issues getting back to work on a monday!

Hi @vangalvin

The USB chip have no business to +5V power, maybe the most possible problem is the MicroUSB socket is broken…

Anyway, can you please try to power the board via +5V and GND headers?

Xuzhi, Thanks, Will check the pins and maybe re-solder it just to be safe.
Thinking about it now it would have to be the - pin as if it were the + i would still get a USB connection and if it were one of the data lines i would still get power.