Cubecell Class C loraWan example

I am using LoRaWan_downlinkdatahandle example.
Running class A no problem.

I need to run class C to get any downlink immediately. I try to change the configuration to class C but I dont get downlink message until next duty cycle.

There is some example of Class C ?

@wasn Hi can you help with this please?
I am developing always on device with external power.

I am sorry but i dont have an example for class c.

Thanks. And @Supporter can help?

I change in main loop and now I get not block process but I not recibe downstream until next DutyCycle

  digitalWrite(Vext, LOW); 
  Radio.IrqProcess( );

In the CLASS C mode, sleep is disabled by default. Just nee select CLASS_C in the tools menu:

I run the test with LORAWAN_CLASS = CLASS_C but the device really sleep between duty cicle.
I connect tester to VEXT port and the voltage go to 0 in sleep time.
I think class C parameter not make any change.

Could you test there pls.

also you need to know that i send command from loraWan and device only get the command in duty cycle. Wen wake up.