HI All I have a question about failure of the boot loader on Cubecell.
I found that I have boot loarder issues in that I have previously happily uploaded via the debug board to the capsule , But now on two uniits in the past few week they have refused to upload with standard scripts via IDE. I have also with the WASN Configuator which has worked in the past, but that shows flash failurre
I have tried the manual approach of holding down the user key on the debug board on USB entry but this also fails to work, so in effect I cant now program the Capsule. This is not the case on all my Cubecells. Anyone had this issue ?
I have tried different usb Cables just in case but the cables all work fine with the other capsules and the CubeCell boards.
Any help for Work arrounds ? has the boot loader failled ? can boot loader be reprogrammed ?