Cubecell Capsule - Boot Loader Failure

HI All I have a question about failure of the boot loader on Cubecell.

I found that I have boot loarder issues in that I have previously happily uploaded via the debug board to the capsule , But now on two uniits in the past few week they have refused to upload with standard scripts via IDE. I have also with the WASN Configuator which has worked in the past, but that shows flash failurre

I have tried the manual approach of holding down the user key on the debug board on USB entry but this also fails to work, so in effect I cant now program the Capsule. This is not the case on all my Cubecells. Anyone had this issue ?

I have tried different usb Cables just in case but the cables all work fine with the other capsules and the CubeCell boards.

Any help for Work arrounds ? has the boot loader failled ? can boot loader be reprogrammed ?


Have you disconnected the battery?
You habe to short GPIO0 to ground before powering the device

Hi thankS will try that. Normally just up load over usb via debug board.

Hi WASN thanks for the tips. My batteries were permanently wired remove them and can now program as normal. Odd I have never had to before. , live and learn !

Disconnecting the battery is the safe way.
Shorten gpio0 to ground and reset the devicw should work too