Hi everyone,
I’m working at a project that needs minimal bootup time so i’m looking
for a way to skip the bootloader.
This would not be a problem if i could connect over swd but this is not working.
The processor type is in the J-Link database, J-Link programmer supports it natively.
I,m able to connect to a regular PSOC 4 using a J-Link programmer/debugger.
But not to a Cubecell Dev board connecting to pins GPIO6 and GPIO7.
Could this be the cirquitry connecting to GPIO6 and GPIO7 used on de dev board ?
Would be glad if anyone could help.
Regard Data.
Sorry everyone,
Updated to the latest J-Link firmware and now it’s working fine.
Next stop wil be testing export from PSOCcreator to Eclipse, Keil and IAR.
I think it wil be a late night.
Regards Data.