Cubecell battery monitoring


i use cubecell board v1 with bme680 with wasn board firmware.
I want to use a 3.6v lithium battery to power the board via 3.3v pin.
It works good but i cant get the battery voltage. When i use a lithium 3.7
von battery connector i get the right voltage.

if you look at the schematics you can see that for measuring the battery voltage the ADC get switched to the battery input of the board.
you will get a battery voltage back if you connect a battery at the battery connector.

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ok, thanks for information. I look at block diagramm and see the br1 0Ohm resistor. the resistor connect the adc to the battery voltage. So i want to remove the resistor to connect it to the 3.3V pin. so i can
monitor the voltage on 3.3v pin. i did not want to use the battery connector of the board for low energy application. Can someone tell me where i can find the br1 resistor on boad? I cant find a Layout of the Board.

i found the anwer myself on this page: