CubeCell ASR650x-Arduino never compiles

Hello I have being triying to run my CubeCell ASR650 but it’s never works, I have install everything perfectly but I can’t compile any example.
I try for example the LoRaSender example and I got this problem and I can’t find the solution.

WARNING: library LoRa claims to run on ASR650x-Arduino architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on CubeCell architecture(s).
WARNING: library RGB claims to run on ASR650x-Arduino architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on CubeCell architecture(s).
exec: “C:\Users\Curro”: file does not exist
Error compiling for board CubeCell-Board.

Here is the code: PLEASE HELP!
/* Heltec Automation Ping Pong communication test example

#include “LoRaWan_APP.h”
#include “Arduino.h”


  • set LoraWan_RGB to 1,the RGB active in loraWan
  • RGB red means sending;
  • RGB green means received done;
    #ifndef LoraWan_RGB
    #define LoraWan_RGB 0

#define RF_FREQUENCY 868000000 // Hz

#define TX_OUTPUT_POWER 14 // dBm

#define LORA_BANDWIDTH 0 // [0: 125 kHz,
// 1: 250 kHz,
// 2: 500 kHz,
// 3: Reserved]
#define LORA_CODINGRATE 1 // [1: 4/5,
// 2: 4/6,
// 3: 4/7,
// 4: 4/8]
#define LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH 8 // Same for Tx and Rx
#define LORA_SYMBOL_TIMEOUT 0 // Symbols
#define LORA_IQ_INVERSION_ON false

#define RX_TIMEOUT_VALUE 1000
#define BUFFER_SIZE 30 // Define the payload size here

char txpacket[BUFFER_SIZE];
char rxpacket[BUFFER_SIZE];

static RadioEvents_t RadioEvents;

int16_t txNumber;

int16_t rssi,rxSize;

void setup() {
boardInitMcu( );


Radio.Init( &RadioEvents );
Radio.SetChannel( RF_FREQUENCY );
                               LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR, LORA_CODINGRATE,
                               LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH, LORA_FIX_LENGTH_PAYLOAD_ON,
                               true, 0, 0, LORA_IQ_INVERSION_ON, 3000 ); 


void loop()
sprintf(txpacket,"%s",“Hello world number”); //start a package
sprintf(txpacket+strlen(txpacket),"%d",txNumber); //add to the end of package

turnOnRGB(COLOR_SEND,0); //change rgb color

Serial.printf("\r\nsending packet \"%s\" , length %d\r\n",txpacket, strlen(txpacket));

Radio.Send( (uint8_t *)txpacket, strlen(txpacket) ); //send the package out	



have you installed with the boardmanager or with github?

the line that makes problems in your log is:

exec: “C:\Users\Curro”: file does not exist

please reformat your post for better reading

Yes I have install the respotiry with the GitHub so I don’t know what is the problem

have you run get.exe in the tools directory?

Yes also, I think everything in the instalation and configuration is right

I install both method with the Github and the boardmanager, so maybe it’s the problem do I have to install just one of them?

exec: “C:\Users\Curro”: file does not exist

is your problem. the ide cannot find the compiler

please try to reinstall the arduino ide and only install via boardmanager

Ok, I will try later and I tell you

I tried it and I got the same error I don’t know what happens, any other solution?

you have installed a fresh version of the arduino IDE after deinstalling the old one.
then installed the cubecell board with the boardmanager.

do you have a space in your username?
spaces allways are making problems.

Yes I have the last version and I have so much space, It’s been 3 days trying and I can’t finde the solution

ok do you have a space in your username?

Yes I have a space in my user name, could be it the problem

Yes it was the problem, THANK YOU SO MUCH! now it’s working!