Cubecell AB01-V2 operating in Class C

Dear all,

Have you ever set the AB01-V2 into Class C node? I have set Class C in “Tools” options and also registered the node as Class C in TTN but no messages can be received by the gateway.
I’m using TTN as LoRaWan and HetTec HT-M01S gateway. Anyone can advise the solution?
Everything is good when Class A is used.
OTAA is always used.


You need to issue instructions or messages in order for the node to have a message uplink

Hi Uther,

Do you have any sample code? Thanks!!

Distribute from server

Yes, I have registered the node as Class C. Once it join the network successfully, this downlink tab becomes active and I also see the setting the same as the above. Now I set my message sending every 3 seconds but it seems still missing many messages to the gateway.
I expect with Class C, we can set messages quickly compared with Class A. Do you have any hint to achieve? Can Class C achieve this?

@Supporter Can you help on this?