Cubcell is the cubcell LCD chip?

What is the chip running the LCD of the
What #include do I need?
Can’t find this in the details on the website .

The relevant details are in the Factory Test sketch. If you’re using the Arduino IDE, that’s: File > Examples > Basics > Factory_Test > Factory_Test_AB02

I’m using V-Studio
Thank you. So

#include “HT_SH1107Wire.h”

Implemented the code on my board and all i get is random dots lower half of the screen. Which is what i got anyway without any code. Ok figured it out. needed to change the platformio.ini to use the correct board. working now.

board = cubecell_board_plus

;board = cubecell_gps
; change microcontroller
board_build.mcu = asr6502
; change MCU frequency
board_build.f_cpu = 48000000L

;[env:cubecell_board_v2] ;Setup for Heltec lora board V2
;board = cubecell_board_v2

;[env:latest_stable] ;none solar cubecell
;board = cubecell_capsule

;[env:cubecell_capsule_solar_sensor] ; solar cubecell
;board = cubecell_capsule_solar_sensor

platform = heltec-cubecell
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_filters = default, time
board_build.arduino.lorawan.region = EU868
board_build.arduino.lorawan.adr = ON
board_build.arduino.lorawan.debug_level = FREQ_AND_DIO