Compiler error for LoRaeReceiver.ino example code for WiFi LoRa32(V3)

I am using WiFi LoRa32 (V3) board with Arduino IDE 2.3.2. The board package is “Heltec ESP32 Series Dev-boards v3.0.0”. The library is “Heltec ESP32 Dev-boards v2.0.2”.

I try to compile the example code of LoRaReceiver.ino. It gave me a complier error for the statement in the example sketch:


HELTEC_BOARD & SLOW_CLK_TYPE are not declared.

Please help?

I have the same problem with the same environment. I tried to hardcode values but the MCU reboot all the time. I tried to find the value list for the function Mcu.begin in the documentation without success. I hope that someone from Heltec will answer your question.

These problems, and there are many accounts of similar issues elsewhere on this forum, are almost always the result of not having the correct software installed. Try following the advice offered in this post. The factory test sketch ultimately runs a ‘ping-pong’ example that will exchange LoRa messages between two nodes—this sketch should not require any modification, except maybe the operating frequency, which should match that of the boards you have and be the same on both nodes, to perform this function.