Changing from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5 a lot of errors

I changed from 0.04 to 0.05 and then:

WARNUNG: Kategorie ‘SSD1306’ in der Bibliothek SSD1306 OLED ist ungültig und wird auf ‘Uncategorized’ festgelegt
Build-Optionen wurden verändert, alles wird neu kompiliert
WARNUNG: Bibliothek LoRa behauptet auf (ASR650x-Arduino) Architektur(en) ausgeführt werden zu können und ist möglicherweise inkompatibel mit Ihrem derzeitigen Board, welches auf (CubeCell) Architektur(en) ausgeführt wird.
WARNUNG: Bibliothek RGB behauptet auf (ASR650x-Arduino) Architektur(en) ausgeführt werden zu können und ist möglicherweise inkompatibel mit Ihrem derzeitigen Board, welches auf (CubeCell) Architektur(en) ausgeführt wird.
mk-niederschlag1-test1:21:16: error: ‘LORAWAN_Net_Reserve’ was not declared in this scope

bool KeepNet = LORAWAN_Net_Reserve;


mk-niederschlag1-test1:69:41: error: ‘GetBatteryVoltage’ was not declared in this scope

int BatteryVoltage = GetBatteryVoltage();


D:\BK-Schulz\DIT\Mikroklima\Regensensor\mk-niederschlag1-test1\mk-niederschlag1-test1.ino: In function ‘bool prepareTxFrame(uint8_t)’:

mk-niederschlag1-test1:78:7: error: ‘AppDataSize’ was not declared in this scope

   AppDataSize = 1;//AppDataSize max value is 64


mk-niederschlag1-test1:79:7: error: ‘AppData’ was not declared in this scope

   AppData[0] = count; // set to something useful


mk-niederschlag1-test1:84:42: error: ‘GetBatteryVoltage’ was not declared in this scope

   BatteryVoltage = GetBatteryVoltage();


D:\BK-Schulz\DIT\Mikroklima\Regensensor\mk-niederschlag1-test1\mk-niederschlag1-test1.ino: In function ‘void accelWakeup()’:


mk-niederschlag1-test1:120:11: error: ‘class LoRaWanClass’ has no member named ‘Sleep’



D:\BK-Schulz\DIT\Mikroklima\Regensensor\mk-niederschlag1-test1\mk-niederschlag1-test1.ino: In function ‘void setup()’:

mk-niederschlag1-test1:135:16: error: ‘BoardInitMcu’ was not declared in this scope



mk-niederschlag1-test1:137:3: error: ‘DeviceState’ was not declared in this scope



mk-niederschlag1-test1:138:11: error: ‘class LoRaWanClass’ has no member named ‘Ifskipjoin’



D:\BK-Schulz\DIT\Mikroklima\Regensensor\mk-niederschlag1-test1\mk-niederschlag1-test1.ino: In function ‘void loop()’:

mk-niederschlag1-test1:152:12: error: ‘DeviceState’ was not declared in this scope

switch ( DeviceState )


mk-niederschlag1-test1:158:19: error: ‘Enable_AT’ was not declared in this scope



mk-niederschlag1-test1:162:17: error: ‘class LoRaWanClass’ has no member named ‘Init’



mk-niederschlag1-test1:168:17: error: ‘class LoRaWanClass’ has no member named ‘Join’



mk-niederschlag1-test1:174:17: error: ‘class LoRaWanClass’ has no member named ‘Send’



mk-niederschlag1-test1:181:9: error: ‘TxDutyCycleTime’ was not declared in this scope

     TxDutyCycleTime = APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE + randr( 0, APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE_RND );


mk-niederschlag1-test1:182:17: error: ‘class LoRaWanClass’ has no member named ‘Cycle’



mk-niederschlag1-test1:191:23: error: ‘class LoRaWanClass’ has no member named ‘Send’



mk-niederschlag1-test1:196:17: error: ‘class LoRaWanClass’ has no member named ‘Sleep’



exit status 1
‘LORAWAN_Net_Reserve’ was not declared in this scope

Greetings E_T

Go back to 0.04

please read the release notes for 0.0.5:

  • Added debug level option
  • Added uplink confirmed and unconfirmed option
  • Optimized code structure
  • Naming in Arduino style
  • Resolving conflicts with other library names
  • Added more sensor (third party) libraries
  • Added full region for EU868 bands
  • Fixed known bugs

All naming was changed to be in guideline to the normal Arduino naming.
so going from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5 is a breaking change.
You have to adopt your sources

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Thank you WASN!

So I will change my Programms.

Greetings E_T