CC-AB01 LF version frequency range

Hi All,

Apologies if this is a dumb q: does anyone know the full frequency range of the LF variant of the CC-AB01 boards? All the documentation I’ve seen only specifies “433MHz, 470~510MHz;”. My, possibly flawed, assumption is that it is not locked to exactly 433MHz but is rather a range. Would like to know what the actual fully range is. Many thanks

I’m pretty sure it will do the full range, but likely they tuned the circuitry to have peak output around 433 and pretty good from 470 to 510. Or it’s a case of marketing because those are common numbers in unlicensed bands in some places on our big bright beautiful world.

Hi, Answering my own question in case others need the info:

I got this from Heltec support (Thanks Ashley!)…

EU533: 433.175 -> 434.665
CN470: 470-510