Battery specs of the AB01?

Hello there!

We are wondering about what batteries might be most suitable for the AB01.
We’re building a device which won’t be rechargeable, which means we’d rather not use LiPo batteries (as they are relatively expensive, and a waste when it cannot be recharged).

One thing we’d like to know, is if LiSOCl2-batteries can be used with the AB01. We know that the AB02AA is intended for a similar battery. However, we’re not using that board because we need to use a smaller internal antenna.

So our questions:

  • When attaching a battery through the SH1.25-2-connector, is it voltage-regulated or not? Do we need to look at the ‘Lithium-powered’/VBAT rows in the usage sheet, or at the 3V3 rows?
    • In other words: When connecting a battery through the connector, will we have a sleep current of 11µA or 3.4µA? And do we need to supply a peak current of >=250mA or >= 150mA?
  • If the connector uses VBAT: Is there a possibility to connect such batteries (which have a max voltage of 3.6V and nominal voltage of 3.55V) to the 3V3 pin to realize the lower sleep current and peak current requirements, or will this damage the board?
  • Are there other (high energy density) batteries that work well with the AB01?


please refer the pictures:

We recommend using Vbat to power the development board. If you use Vbat for power supply, the battery voltage will output a stable 3.3V through the LDO (CE6260).

If you directly use the battery to power the 3.3v pin header, You have to face a problem. The battery voltage will gradually change with consumption. And your MCU needs a stable 3.3V voltage.Unless you have external means to ensure that the battery voltage is stable at 3.3V.

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Thank you for your reply! The extra ‘POWER’ schematic is very helpful. :blush:

This is the reason I ask: In the datasheet of the ASR6501 the following is written:

This makes it seem like the MCU is actually not picky with the input voltage, accepting anything between 1.8V and 3.7V.

At the same time, in the ‘Electrical characteristics’ table

it is written that the 3.3V pin accepts between 2.7V and 3.5V. Is there something the dev board adds which restricts the bounds set for the ASR6501?

And in your post you mention that actually the 3.3V pin should really be very close to 3.3V at all times.

Which of these three is correct?

Thank you very much for your help!


In fact, our conditions are more demanding because we have considered lora.

As we all know, radio communication requires more energy when transmitting. Through our test, when the power supply voltage is lower than the value marked in our figure, it may cause the lora function to not work normally.So we give a minimum recommended value.

You can also retest it by yourself.

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