Baja señal placa Heltec ESP32 v2

Hola, estoy recién comenzando con este tipo de tarjetas, seguí el tutorial de la pagina HELTEC, como instalar la tarjeta, biblioteca y cargué el primer programa. Trabaje con IDE de arduino, Compile y cargué programa sin problemas, la aplicación OLED LORA enviar y OLED LORA recibir en dos tarjetas Heltec ESP32 lora V2.

En cada tarjetas se cargaron los respectivos programas, el que envia datos y prende led, sin problema visible, la tarjeta que recibe los datos estaba detenda esperando datos, pero no recibia nada de lo que estaba enviando la otra tarjeta, que estaba aumentando su contador sin problemas. Acerque las tarjetas casi tocando sus antenas y recién comenzó a recibir información, si las separa solo a unos centímetros ya no recibe información.
Quizás estoy omitiendo un paso o se debe modificar algún parámetro para que la señal sea mayor y pueda separar estas tarjetas a unos cuantos metros y que sigan recibiendo información. En estos momentos si no están a menos de un centímetros sus antenas, no se transmite ni recibe ningun dato.

Alguien me puede guiar, para solucionar este problema, estoy trabajando en la frecuencia 915 MHZ.

could you speak in English? we can’t understand your meaning well.

Hello, I am just starting with this type of cards (HELTEC ESP32 LORA V2), I followed the tutorial on the HELTEC page, how to install the card, library and loaded the first program. Work with arduino IDE, Compile and load program smoothly, OLED LORA app send and OLED LORA receive on two Heltec ESP32 lora V2 boards.

In each card the programs were loaded, the one that sends data and turns on the led and the one that receives the data and shows it on the screen. The card that sent the data was still counting without problems, but the card that received the data was waiting without receiving anything that was sent by the other card, which was increasing its meter without problems. Bring the cards close to touching their antennas and just began to receive information, displaying the message of hello and the counter, if the cards were separated only a few centimeters, this card would no longer have information.
Perhaps I am omitting a step or some parameter must be modified so that the signal is greater and can receive the signal sent by the card a few meters further away as indicated by the characteristics of these cards. At this time, if your antennas are not within one centimeter, no data is received.

Can someone guide me, to solve this problem, I am working on the 915 MHZ frequency. Thanks


  1. we have updated the new version pingpong code, you can refer the code:

  2. please confirm this para:

  3. please check your antenna’s connect with the APEX antenna interface. please make sure Keep the two antennas parallel.

and you can also add the Timeout(RX and TX) detection mechanism:

ok, I will try the recommended, after the tests I will publish the results, thanks

thanks, they are already working perfectly.