AT_Command.h functions description


in LoRa examples a functions from AT_Command.h are used.
Unfortunately header file doesn’t explain what declared functions actually do.

Is there any document saying what all the functions really do underneath so I could understand how and when to use them? What resources do they use and what data is stored/retrieved and where?



please refer this Documentation


I was rather explicitly referring to the functions:

void enableAt(void);
void getDevParam(void);
void printDevParam(void);
void saveNetInfo(uint8_t *joinpayload, uint16_t size);
void saveUpCnt(void);
void saveDownCnt(void);
void getNetInfo(void);
void saveDr(void);
bool checkNetInfo(void);
void netInfoDisable(void);
extern bool checkUserAt(char * cmd, char * content);

which are declared in the file I was mentioning in the topic.
The question was about any documentation related to those typed in above.

The documentation provided above is available on CubeCell support pages but it describes something different I was asking for.


We are sorry that the definitions of these functions are temporarily sealed (.o files).

The functions of these functions are enable AT-command, get device param, print these device param.

@jasonXu thanks for your reply.

Nevertheless I still don’t understand what is the purpose and why/how to use functions like:

bool checkNetInfo(void);
void getNetInfo(void);
void netInfoDisable(void);
void saveNetInfo(uint8_t *joinpayload, uint16_t size);

Are those needed to save/recall any LoRaWAN configuration in/from EEPROM or is it used for some printouts only?

Some of mentioned functions are used in LoRaWAN.ifskipjoin() function in LoRa examples.

Any help from Heltec regarding code provided?
Anyone figured what above functions are used for and what if I use them wrongly/do not use them at all?


These functions mainly serve the functions shown in the picture.

If you choose “ON” mode, you need to check the options shown in the figure on the server interface.


does it mean:

  • checkNetInfo() verify if there is some LoRaWAN configuration stored in EEPROM?
  • getNetInfo() load configuration and apply it to the LoRaWAN stack?
  • netInfoDisable() erase any EEPROM stored configuration so checkNetInfo() will return with false?
  • saveNetInfo() save network configutarion? If so what is the format?

Additional to above questions is this one:

  • could I resign from usage of above functions and configure everything from the code each time during booting?

Thanks for answers to all questions.

did you get the answer to the above> as i’m trying to use the function to skip rejoin and save battery but it is not working for me, it keep rejoining everytime regardless of the LOARAWAN_Net_Reservation set to ON.

i also noticed that checkNetInfo is always false…

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@ Heltec / @jasonXu : This is not helpful at all, unfortunately. Especially regarding that the thread was opened in 2020.
I am used to reverse-engineer source code if documentation is insufficient, but in this case there isn’t even source code available. How are we supposed to use the library if we have no chance to understand how it works?
I have had no luck so far with having LoRaWAN credentials etc. stored in NVRAM/Flash, it always does a Join on startup which is non-advised behaviour. I also would like to use flash memory for storing my own configuration data, but I have no information about what storage area might be used by the libraries.
Thank you for any helpful advice.