Hi There, I just discovered this board and I think it may meet the requeriments for my project. One of the things I find most valuable is that everything is already in the same package with full Arduino support and (supposedly) all well soldered and interconnected together with the spot components, clock, RF/EMI shield etc…
Can any one confirm this module meets my requeriments?
Code always running / listening so don’t care about sleep features
Bunch of free GPIOS
- SPI (to connect to the LoRa module) and I2C for a external sensor working at same time
- Interrupt for 2 inputs, just to know from the micro that something happen as soon as possible rather that pooling it.
- Lora / FSK messages
- Good RTC/Clock accuracy, I’m aiming to get <5 mS / minute (counting time while CPU active)
- 15mA or better running both CPU working and LoRa on listening mode.
I take a general overview on documentation and github and looks good, just concerned about the micros (1,2) issue that seems to be still unfixed, not sure if this board it’s too old / abandoned and will no get more support and should move on into another model…
I am very grateful for any help, also any kind of confirmation about real power draw and clock drift will be very useful