I recently bought ESP32 Lora V3 nodes.
I use the demo version of Lorawan downloaded from Github HelTecAutomation/Heltec_ESP32.
I did some tests with TTN, it works well.
I wanted to disable the OLED display to measure the current consumption.
To do this, I test GPIO 7, if it is low, I do not display anything.
if (aff_oled == 1)
The problem is that the join function does not work in this specific case.
I do not receive the downstream acceptance data.
16:10:27.230 -> joining...
16:10:27.230 -> TX on freq 868300000 Hz DR 3 power 14
16:10:27.741 -> .Event : Tx Done
16:10:28.253 -> ..........RX on freq 868300000 Hz at DR 3
16:10:33.252 -> .Event : Rx Timeout
16:10:33.749 -> ..RX on freq 869525000 Hz at DR 0
16:10:34.777 -> .Event : Rx Timeout
16:10:35.234 -> ...........................TX on freq 868300000 Hz DR 3 power 14
16:10:48.775 -> .Event : Tx Done
16:10:49.287 -> ..........RX on freq 868300000 Hz at DR 3
I can see the exchanges on my TTN console.
I looked at Lorawan_app.cpp and I do not see why it blocks.
It works well when the display is enabled.
Is there any other way to turn off the display?
Any idea?