ABP confirmed messages problem AB02S

I tried to send in ABP mode with an Heltec HTCC-AB02S, and a HT-M01 gateway. On the Chirpstack server I’ve got a ConfirmedMessage received. But the Ack is never received on the device and thus it keeps sending during the 4 trials. The RX1 delay is fixed to the default 1second on the server, and it seems to be the case on the device too.

Where should I investigate further more ? :slightly_smiling_face:

Device configuraiton:

AT Rev 1.3
+DevEui=0200000000000002(For OTAA Mode)
+AppEui=0000000000000000(For OTAA Mode)
+AppKey=02000000000000000000000000000002(For OTAA Mode)
+NwkSKey=02000000000000000000000000000002(For ABP Mode)
+AppSKey=02000000000000000000000000000002(For ABP Mode)
+DevAddr=02000002(For ABP Mode)

Here is the chirpstack received message :


please confirm below info:

  1. tools menu:

  2. %E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87