Hello, I’ve faced problem:
HTCC-AM01 v2 module (ASR6502 SoC), GPIO4 pin interrupt in sleep failed, but it works well before sleep. Then tried to use GPIO3 and it works well in sleep.
Code snippet is very simple:
pinMode(GPIO4, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(GPIO4, interruptHandlerFunction, CHANGE);
By the way, GPIO numbers for ASR6502 are not the same as for ASR6501 for HTCC-AM01 (v1), some differences in this schematic: https://resource.heltec.cn/download/CubeCell/HTCC-AM01_V2/HTCC-AM01_V2_Schematic_Diagram.pdf (see difference between GPIO number at the chip pins and wires name)
I’m only guessing that Cubecell is based on Infineon PSoC 4 MCU and there are some notes regarding port number 4 and high there: PSoC™ 4 MCU – Using GPIO pins :
" Port 4 and higher ports do not have the port adapter. These ports have the following restrictions…"
But I’m not sure, any help is appreciated,