Supporting PlatformIo on ESP32 wifi v3 board

Has anyone got the v3 ESP32 wifi board working using PlatformIO? I lost 2 days trying to get it to work. All my projects are using Visual Studio and PlatformIO extensions. The Arduino IDE is really just a toy. Heltec just says they only support Arduino. I hope that is just a short period of time as Espressif supports PlatformIo formally.

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This is the platformio file I’m using these days for the V3 boards:

platform = espressif32
board = heltec_wifi_lora_32_V3
framework = arduino
platform_packages = framework-arduinoespressif32 @
lib_deps =
    thingpulse/ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays
monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder ; decode esp32 stacktraces
monitor_speed = 115200
upload_speed = 921600 ; 30% faster upload

Note that I do NOT use the heltec.h library, although at some point hopefully this PR will merge and make the heltec library work with V3. Some tips on platformio.ini:

Set the board to the V3:

board = heltec_wifi_lora_32_V3

The platform_packages line is only necessary for updated pins until this PR gets released. Until then:

platform_packages = framework-arduinoespressif32 @

Get nice stacktraces:

monitor_filters = esp32_exception_decoder

Faster upload speed from platformio to the heltec boards:

upload_speed = 921600

Hope that helps!

Hello, I also have significant problems with getting V3 boards to work in PlatformIO.

It is very annoying that the very clear and functional LoRa commands used on the V2 boards do not work with the V3 version.

I have tried using the configuration shown above, however the output is an error.

Do you know of any workable way to make the V3 boards programmable in PlatformIO?


Since the pending PR got merged, I deleted my fork of the arduino library, that’s why you got that error. You should be able to use the upstream library by deleting the platform_packages line.

platform = espressif32
board = heltec_wifi_lora_32_V3
framework = arduino