I built an external watchdog mcu because the builtin one requires waking the part too often. It wasn’t resetting the part.
Connecting a multimeter between the RESET pin on HTCC-AB01 and ground I see 45MA current.
The schematic says the pull-up on RESET is 10k. I presume it is actually the auto-boot circuit is causing the problem.
Is it safe to work around this by adding a mosfet to pull reset down harder or could that cause damage?
Is there a better way to trigger a reset externally? If not, you might consider adding a resistor between G2.D2 and RESET (1k? 470?) in a future revision.
Is there a more detailed schematic or data sheet for G2 on https://resource.heltec.cn/download/CubeCell/HTCC-AB01/HTCC-AB01_SchematicDiagram.pdf ?