I have a problem after switching off my 3.3V to 5V StepUpModul via GPIO5 pin and a P-MOSFET. The system hangs. If I disable the line digitalWrite(VStepUpPin, HIGH); the system is working without problems.
I used this StepUpModul in my PM-Sensor (https://opensensemap.org/explore/60c14256b2a183001cd39959) last year without any problems. But now I had to modify the SDS011 source code to change SoftwareSerial into softSerial from Heltec. Last year I had only removed the yield function in the SDS011 code.
For testing the basic functionality without LoRa radio support I created the project https://github.com/CargoBikoMeter/HTCC-AB01-SDS011-Test
I need a working StepUpModule functionality, because in the PM Sensor project and the CO2-Minisensor project https://github.com/CargoBikoMeter/CO2-Minisensor the AB01/AB02 goes into deep sleep after the measurement.
Any ideas what I’m making wrong?