Heltec Wireless Stick lite (V3) - Lora Transmit/receive

hi …

I want to send many characters from any card to the other…
In other post I have seen that card don´t work with libraries heltec.h (in IDE ARDUINO).
My question is: what librarie is correct?

Could you send my any basic code to transmit and receive any characters?


If you have set up the software environment correctly, the factory test sketch includes all you need for simple transmission and receipt of character data. If the factory test sketch in your environment includes the heltec.h library, which as you have already noted does not support the SX1262 LoRa chip in the V3 modules, your IDE environment has most likely not been configured with the correct [Heltec] software libraries.

The comments in [this and subsequent posts in] the following thread might also help:

The above mentioned thread refers to the WiFi LoRa 32 module but the software configuration requirements are the same and, with the correct software loaded, you will find the Wireless_Stick_Lite_V3_FactoryTest.ino sketch in the same location.